Owner’s Manual

In this lesson we will learn why having an Owner’s Manual, is very important. In life, we have such a manual called the Bible. This Holy book helps us navigate through life better and safer.

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In this lesson, we will learn about the garden of God. There is a great story called, Eyesore, that teaches us about the love of Jesus.

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A Boy Named Samuel

The story, A Boy Named Samuel, is a wonderful story of a little boy who honored God and served Him with gladness. Samuel was a gift to his parents just as you are a gift to your family.  

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My New Backpack

Today’s story, My New Backpack, is a Christmas story with a surprising gift Zach received.

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Long Walk to Freedom

The story, Long Walk to Freedom, will capture your attention as Niang and her family go on a journey to join Niang’s father.

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The Godly Way

Today’s story, Growing Up In A Godly Way, means we are to have Jesus as our example. A young boy named Banja learned that by obeying Jesus he was teaching others including grown-ups how to be more like Jesus. Enjoy this fun-filled newsletter.

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